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A Collaborative Experience:

The Spring/Summer 2021 Show

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For the Spring/Summer 2021 show – and for the first time at Burberry – Riccardo Tisci has invited an artist to collaborate with him on the show experience. To bring his vision to life, he partnered with the internationally acclaimed artist Anne Imhof – also creating a musical film with Anne’s frequent collaborator Eliza Douglas.
SS21 Stage
As Riccardo and Anne Imhof join forces, they radically bring together fashion and art – examining tensions at the intersections of togetherness and tradition; the natural and the man-made; the real and the unreal.
SS21 Stage


Amidst the breaking waters and crashing waves of the British coastline, artist and musician Eliza Douglas performs her tracks ‘Half of Freud’s Books’ and ‘DNA’ exclusively for Burberry ahead of the Spring/Summer 2021 show experience – a collaboration between Riccardo Tisci and artist Anne Imhof. Film directed by Partel Oliva. Music by Eliza Douglas.


SS21 Model in Sea

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